
Respiratory Flow Chip is an in vitro diagnostic kit for the identification of the main pathogens causing acute respiratory tract infections. The organisms causing these infections include viruses and bacteria, occurring co-infections relatively often. The methods used currently to diagnose them are expensive, laborious and do not always show 100% specificity. The Respiratory Flow Chip kit allows the simultaneous detection of 11 pathogens: Influenza virus, Adenovirus, Bocavirus, Coronavirus, Metapneumovirus, Parainfluenza virus, Respiratory Syncytial Virus (Subtype A and Subtype B), Rhinovirus, Bordetella pertussis, Bordetella parapertussis and Mycoplasma pneumoniae, using viral DNA/RNA amplification by reverse transcription and multiplex PCR (RT-PCR) and subsequent reverse hybridization on a membrane containing specific probes to each species.

The Respiratory Flow Chip kit allows identifying these infectious agents from purified genetic material from several types of clinical samples (nasopharyngeal exudates, nasopharyngeal aspirate and bronchoalveolar lavage).


The Respiratory Flow Chip kit is based on a methodology that consists of the simultaneous amplification of viral DNA, viral RNA and bacteria by RT-multiplex PCR in only one step, followed by hybridization in membranes with specific DNA probes through the DNA-Flow technology for both automatic and manual HybriSpot platforms. The biotinylated amplicons generated after the RT-PCR are hybridized in membranes containing an array of specific probes for each virus as well as amplification and hybridization control probes. The DNA-Flow technology allows the fast binding of the PCR product and its specific probe in a three-dimensional porous environment, as compared to the hybridization in a conventional surface. Once the binding between the specific amplicons and their corresponding probes has occurred, the signal is visualized through an immunoenzymatic colorimetric reaction with Streptavidin−Alkaline Phosphatase and a chromogen (NBT-BCIP) generating insoluble precipitates in the membrane in those positions in which there has been hybridization. The results are analyzed automatically with the hybriSoft software.

Storage And Stability Conditions

The Respiratory Flow Chip kit consists of two components that are supplied in separate boxes:

Respiratory Flow Chip kit (PCR Reagents): Shipped and stored at 2-8°C.The PCR reagents are stable until the expiration date indicated. The PCR reagents must be stored in areas free of DNA or PCR products contamination. Once the package containing the tube strip with the lyophilized PCR mix is opened, store the remaining tubes up to a maximum of one week at 2-8ºC in the original package.

Respiratory Chips: Shipped and stored between 2-8°C*. Do not freeze. The Chips are stable until their indicated expiration date.

Hybridization reagents: Shipped and stored between 2-8°C. Do not freeze. The hybridization reagents are stable until the expiration date indicated. Previous recommendations on the hybridization reagents: The hybridization reagent A must be preheated at 41°C in a thermostatic bath or heater (only before using in manual equipment) before its use. The rest of the hybridization reagents must be used at room temperature (20-25°C).

Please refer to the user manual above for additional information

VITRO Respiratory Flow Chip Kit (PCR Reagents) KEMENKES RI AKL 20303020622

VITRO Flow Chip Hybridization Reagents Type I (Auto) KEMENKES RI AKL 20303025507

Graha Megatama Indonesia